In addition to those below, we also pray for and support a number of others involved in Christian work in the UK and overseas.
Local Partners
One Truth Project
A Biblical response to Islam: courses, books, resources, tours. Contact Form
Free debt and welfare benefit advice. Contact Form
Street Pastors
Caring, listening and helping on the streets. 020 8330 2809 Contact Form
Helping churches use English conversation classes to reach out with the gospel for all nations.
Supporting the sexually exploited to free them from abuse, poverty and addiction. 0118 956 7000
Hope Into Action
Enabling churches to house the homeless. 07967681020 Contact Form
Christians Against Poverty (CAP)
Help for those struggling with debt and money management courses. 0800 328 0006
Christian Community Action (CCA)
Providing furniture, bedding, kitchen items, white goods and support. 0118 951 2337
Providing hot food, showers, clothes and access to medical treatment on site. 07817 373 773
Giving support to claim benefits, appeal unjust decisions and to ease financial hardship. 0118 926 3941
Helping reduce isolation and loneliness by connecting people with their community. 0118 995 2102
Supplying emergency food parcels to people in need. 0118 987 2672
Starting Point
Providing mentoring and creating opportunities for young people (11-25). 0118 995 2160
Providing practical help and hope to those who have no where else to turn. 0118 380 0260
Transform Reading
A network of churches and Christian organisations working together to see Reading transformed. Contact Form
Welcome Reading
Welcome Reading is part of a community project funded by the UK Government’s Hong Kong British Nationals (Overseas) Welcome Programme. Contact Form
Overseas Partners
Janet Rogers
South Asia and UKJanet is a designer and consultant, working through Via Design to support and empower vulnerable women
Gary & Naoko Seddon
JapanGary & Naoko serve with YWAM (Youth With A Mission) in North Japan
Phil & Carolina Rout
BrazilServing at a Bible college in Central Brazil where Phil is a teacher
Phil & Hilda Cracknell
ZambiaPhil is the Financial Administrator at Amano Christian School